Thursday, November 3, 2011

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence is a statge grasping the truth, involving reason, concerned with action about what is good or bad. Intelligent behaviour is the behaviour of a machine, which is performed by a human being.
 British artificial intelligence (AI) Pioneer Alan Turing in 1950 proposed a test for determining if machines could think. John McCarthy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) coined the term AI in 1956.
 Artificial Intelligence is probably one of the most successful branches of a broad area of computing. AI attempts to provide machiines with capabilities and characteristics that would indicate intelligence in human being. AI is the branch of computer science that is the ability of computers to have some IQ power, logic and decision making capability and work as if it is done by people. AI is based on knowledge. AI is the combination of computer science, biology, psycology, linguistics, mathematics and engineering. AI covers such fields as expert systems, problem solving, robot control, intelligence, database querying and pattern recognition.

Components of AI
A broad division of AI can be as follows:
1. Natural Language Processing: This involves the study, understanding and processing of natural languages so as to provide natural language interface to information systems, machine translation etc.
2. Computer Vision: This requires an ability to recognize shapes, features etc automatically and in turn automate movement through robots.
3. Heuristic Problem Solving: This consists of solving problems that are probably hard by smart methods, but it quickly evaluates in a small number of candidate solutions to get to the optimal or near optimal solution.
4. Expert System: This is also known as knowledge-based system. It is a software designed to capture the knowlodge and problem-solving skills of human expert. It has three main engine and a user interface.

\Applications of AI
One aspect of artificially intelligent computers is that they should be capable of learning and therefore improving their system at given task. Computers will be successfully trained to be capable of recognize accurately a face of human beings, to recognize an under ground train station as being crowded or not. AI is applied for game playing, speech recognition, understanding natural language, computer vision, expert systems, and heuristic classification. Some AI methods in particular knowledge, scanning e-mail, documents, databases to perform knowledge discovery, identifying patterns in data, forecasting future results using existing knowledge, providing advice directly from knowledge, providing natural language or voice recognition. Some latest commercial applications of AI are
1. Decision Support: Intelligent work environment exists which helps in engineering or similar types of designs. They have an intelligent repository of knowledge. The intelligent agents capture the essential details from the design. This is compared with the knowledge stored in the repository and an analysis is done. The intelligent agents thus facilitate decision-making.
2. Information Retrieval: AI based intranet and internet systems distil waves of information into simple presentations. Natural language technology to retrieve any sort of online information in response to English questions.
3. Virtual Reality: Medical science education exists at a virtual level for it is difficult to experience each and everything we study. AI based automated animation interfaces are now in a position to give a student a feel of how it's like to touch an artery.
4. Robotics: Machine vision inspections systems that identify measure and inspect products. Such intelligent systems provide competitive advantage by decreasing the product cycle and also improving the quality of the product. These systems enhance the quality of the product. These systems enhance the overall efficiency of the product manufacturing process.

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