Friday, October 21, 2011

Computer Application

In 1950's , Computers were very expensive and were only used by large institutions such as governments and universities. The computers were used for calculating the precise time of spacecraft journey or planning the targests of missiles, or processing Census data.
In 1960's, IBM introduced mainframe computers. then, the use of computer increased rapidly in business organizations. But, they were expensive for general use.
After the introduction of PC's (Personal Computers) in 1870's, size as well as price of computer decreased. So, computers became common to small business or home use. Now, computers are used in many areas, such as :

Computers are the part of the modern society. Modern business can not survive without computers. In business, computers are used to write letters, keep employee records, communicate with the co-workers, prepare budgets and perform many other functions.

2. Medicine and Health Care :
Computers are extensive used in medicine. It is used for diagnosing diseases, monitoring the condition of patients and keeping the necessary records.
Many innovative medical applications use small, special-purpose computers. For example, pacemakers are computers that operate within the human body and help to maintain heart beat.
Also, laboratory tests such as X-RAY, CT-SCAN etc are performed by computers.

3. Education :
Computers have brought revolution in the field of education. Now, computers are used in school and colleges by students, teachers and many others. People use computers in library to read magazines and journals from the computer terminal rather than searching the shelves for paper organizations.
Teachers use computers as a presentation tool, to explain difficult topics more clearly and easily to their students.
Students use computers to develop their computer projects and to do their mathematical problems.
Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) is used by students to improve knowledge of any subject.

4. Space Technology :
It would be impossible to explore outer space without computers. Computers are used to make accurate calculations for the spacecraft journey to moon, mars etc. The computer is also used to control the artificial satelites to know the weather patterns in earth. Nowadays, the actual damage due to flood, earthquake, etc. in particular area of earth is analyzed using satelite pictures.

5. Engineering
Engineers use computers to design the model of machines, vehicles, bridges, buildings etc. The design made with computers is more accurate and flexible than the design drawn with paper and pencil.
The design of complex structures such as aeroplanes, satelites etc. is almost impossible without computers.

6. Aviation :
The computer is highly used in aviation. Modern aircrafts include sophisticated computerized instruments so that it can communicate with the ground airport atations, identify the status of its parts, fuel and available location in the atmosphere.
Thus, the use of computer has increased security in aviation.

7. Music and Entertainment :
Computers have become a helpful tool for musicians. It helps them to create various electronic notes. Also, the notes can be converted to music graphs. The composer can create the music of many musical instruments using a special keyboard called MIDI Keyboard.
Computers games are the means of entertainment for people of all ages. Computers are heavily used in entertainment industry i.e. television, theater, films, etc. Films are special visual effects to make the contens real. These effects are possible using computers. Computers have also improved cartooning and animations.

8. The Military :
Military or Defense services use computers massively. the actual development of computers are due to military. In 1946, ENIAC (Electrionic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was created for the U.S. Army. They used ENIAC for calculating accurate targets of missiles.
Now, military uses more advanced computer technology. They use computers to spy the enemy secrets such as enemy location, enemy numbers and their amount of weapons. they also use a special type of missile called "Smart Bomb" which embeds computer within it.

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